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Fingerprint Clearance Card Required

Fingerprint Clearance Card Now Required

During the 2021 session the Arizona State Legislature enacted a bill modifying several of the Board’s statutes to require that licensure applicants submit either a copy of a valid fingerprint clearance card issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), or submit evidence of having submitted an application to DPS for a valid fingerprint clearance card. However, the Board was precluded from implementing the requirement until such time the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) approved the Board’s statutes' language.

Following additional statutory language revisions enacted in 2024, the FBI has very recently approved the Board’s statutes. The Board has determined that in order to complete their application files, all current applicants who have not received notice of an administratively complete file by March 21, 2025 shall submit either a front-and-back copy of a valid DPS-issued fingerprint clearance card, OR a copy of the DPS-issued email confirmation that an application for a fingerprint clearance card has been submitted. If due to unanticipated implementation delays this date must be adjusted past March 21, 2025, notification informing of the new date will be issued.

If you have a valid DPS-issued fingerprint clearance card: Submit a copy of the front and back of the card to either [email protected], or to [email protected].

If you DO NOT have a valid DPS-issued fingerprint clearance card: Applying for a fingerprint clearance card is a process entirely under the authority of DPS; accordingly, Board staff is unable to provide licensees with any support. We are, however, listing here the steps to apply:

  • Navigate to the relevant section of the DPS website
  • Create a profile and log in from the Sign up link at upper right
  • Click on Services, then on Fingerprint Clearance Card (Fingerprint CC)
  • On the Reasons for Applying page, scroll to the end of the list and select the application type for the Board of Psychologist Examiners
  • For support, use the orange chat support feature (at lower right of the screen) available during DPS business hours
  • Download and save a copy of the application submission confirmation email you receive to submit to either [email protected], or to [email protected]

A recording of the Board's February 7, 2025 discussion of this topic can be accessed from the Meetings page of its website.