How to Re-Open Your EPPP Only Application for Licensure Approval
Per A.A.C. R4-26-203.02, EPPP Only applicants who have passed Part 1-Knowledge of the EPPP have up to 36 months in which they may reopen their application for the purpose of obtaining approval of supervised experience hours for licensure. There is no further cost to the Board of Psychologist Examiners to reopen an EPPP Only application.
There are five (5) items that are needed when reopening an EPPP Only application. Each of these items should be submitted by email to [email protected].
- WRITTEN REQUEST: Please email a request to reopen your application for approval for licensure. (See #5, below, before sending the reopen request.) The request can be just a single sentence in the email.
- ADDITIONAL HOURS APPLYING TOWARDS LICENSURE: Supervised experience verification (must be sent by supervisor) for enough hours that add up to 3,000 or more when combined with the internship verification previously received. This is usually a postdoc, but may be a preinternship verification. Email is preferred. Download the appropriate verification form HERE.
- WRITTEN TRAINING PLAN: Signed and dated written training plan(s) for the additional supervised experience(s). A written training plan is required for each site and/or experience. The applicant or the supervisor (postdoc) or director of clinical training (preinternship) may submit the written training plans.
- NEW NPDB SELF-QUERY: New National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self query if the one in the file was processed more than 6 months previously; see the processing date in the upper right corner of the self-query for this date. To order, go to The downloaded PDF has an official digital signature, so the original is needed in order to be valid. Email the original downloaded PDF to [email protected].
- NEW REFERENCES: In your reopen request, please list the names and email addresses of two licensed psychologists who have agreed to act as your references. You may use the same licensed psychologists as you did previously, or provide new references. Once your reopen request has been received, Board staff will determine if new, completed reference forms are needed, and will email new reference requests if the previous ones in your file are no longer valid.