Psychologist Licensure by Universal Recognition

Psychologist Application for Licensure by Universal Recognition

Online Application - $350 Fee

You must be able to provide evidence that you have "established residence" in Arizona and also have an active license in good standing in another U.S. state or territory for a year or more to use this application. 

On August 27, 2019 the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners began accepting applications for licensure by universal recognition.  Arizona's universal recognition statute (A.R.S. § 32-4302) allows Arizona residents to use an out-of-state professional or occupational license to qualify for an Arizona license to work. To qualify, a psychologist applicant must:

  • Prove that they have established residence in Arizona (See the Board's Substantive Policy Statement regarding this). Objective evidence includes but is not limited to a valid Arizona driver's license, a current motor vehicle registration, proof of filing Arizona income taxes in the most recent tax year, Arizona voter registration, documentation of a mortgage for an Arizona residence, a dated rental contract with proof of payment, proof of major banking services in Arizona, proof of establishment of Arizona utilities, enrollment of children in Arizona schools, documentation demonstrating a change in permanent address on all pertinent records, or Military Form 2058.
  • You MUST establish residence in Arizona and be able to provide evidence of this. If you have not established residence in Arizona, or you answer NO to the statement, "I have established residence in Arizona", you DO NOT QUALIFY to apply for licensure using this application. If you have a recognized credential (ABPP, CPQ or National Register HSP) and have been licensed for 5 or more years in another state, use the Credential application. Otherwise, use the standard app, Psychologist Application for Exam and/or Licensure. All applications are available online via the applicant portal. 
  • Be currently licensed or certified for at least one year in another U.S. state or territory in the discipline applied for and at the same level of practice as recognized in Arizona. For this application only, a Canadian registration does not qualify one to apply for licensure by universal recognition. 
  • Be in good standing in all states where currently or previously licensed or certified. Verification is required directly from the licensing board to the AZ Board of Psychologist Examiners for all licenses or certifications ever held regardless of the status of the license or certification (e.g. active, inactive, expired, etc.). Verifications ordered from other states should be emailed from the respective boards to [email protected]. If your other licensing board has an online license verification which states it is a "primary source verification", Arizona will accept the online verification. 
  • Have met all applicable education, work, exam, and/or clinical supervision requirements in the other state where originally licensed or certified. 
  • Yes Answers for Declaration Questions:  For declaration questions in this application, if the answer is "yes", appropriate documentation is required. Please see the PDF "Appropriate Documentation for Yes Answers" which can be downloaded from the Forms page for a list of the associated documentation or evidence that the applicant must submit to the Board if the applicant’s answer to a declaration question is “yes”.
  • Applications must be completed and submitted via the online Applicant Portal.  Supporting documents not uploaded with the application may be emailed to [email protected]
  • Go to the Instructions page for this application for details about required documentation to administratively complete a Universal Recognition application. 
  • Go to the Forms page to download any required forms noted in the instructions for this application. 
  • What you need to know about the application process

Go to the Applicant Portal to apply online for licensure by Universal Recognition 


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