The Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners is a ten-member Board appointed by the Governor of the State of Arizona and confirmed by the Arizona Senate. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes § 32-2062, the Board is composed of five licensed psychologists, two licensed behavior analysts and three public members who do not have a substantial business interest in the health care industry. Of the five psychologist members, three must be in professional practice and two must be full-time faculty members from universities in Arizona with doctoral programs in psychology that meet the requirements of A.R.S. § 32-2071. Members serve a five-year term or may be appointed to fill the unexpired term of a previous member.
The purpose of the Board is to regulate and monitor the professions of psychology and behavior analysis. Licensure for behavior analysts became effective January 1, 2011. The Board has two major areas of regulatory authority. First, the Board licenses individuals to practice psychology or behavior analysis in the State of Arizona. Second, the Board investigates and adjudicates allegations of unprofessional conduct filed against psychologists and behavior analysts licensed in the State of Arizona.
The Board meets monthly. Meetings are open to the public and time is set aside to hear comments from the public. The Board offers continuing education credit in professional ethics to licensees who attend in-person Board meetings. Meeting dates and times are posted on this website under the Meetings tab.
The Board’s Complaint Screening Committee (CSC) provides the initial review of complaints against psychologists; meetings are held virtually. The CSC has the authority to dismiss or refer complaints to the full Board for consideration. The Board’s Application Review Committee (ARC) meets monthly (virtually) to review psychologist applications for licensure and makes recommendations to the Board concerning the applications. The Board’s Committee on Behavior Analysts (CBA) meets monthly (virtually) to review behavior analyst applications for licensure and complaints against behavior analysts. The CBA makes recommendations to the Board concerning behavior analyst applications submitted for licensure and complaints.
Additional committees established by the Board pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-2064(B) include Rules Committee, Exploratory Committee on Scope of Practice for Psychologists, Telepractice Committee, Legislative Committee, and Continuing Education Committee. All committee meetings are open to the public.
The Board office is staffed Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except on state holidays. The walk-up lobby window (#6) at 1740 W. Adams Street in Phoenix is available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to the public to drop off documents. Lobby window personnel are unable to address questions; the most reliable and efficient way to contact Board staff is by email. Visit the "Contact Us" page to find the email addresses for Board staff.