Glen Canyon Dam
Disciplinary Board Actions - Past 5 years

NOTE: Some Board actions may not appear until a few weeks after they are taken due to appeals, effective dates and other administrative processes. The following complaints or Board actions do not appear under the “Board Actions” section of this website, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes § 32-3214(B):

  • Disciplinary actions older than 5 years
  • Complaints resulting in non-disciplinary action, to include Letters of Concern and Orders for Continuing Education 
  • Dismissed complaints

Also included on this page are all Cease and Desist Orders issued by the Board to unlicensed individuals pursuant to A.R.S. 32-3227(C) within the past five years. The actions below are listed alphabetically by the individual's last name. 

Pursuant to A.R.S. 32-3214(C), a person may obtain public records relating to any licensee, including dismissed complaints, nondisciplinary actions, and disciplinary actions older than five years, by submitting a public records request. Pending complaints and investigations may not be disclosed to the public.

Due to the various and complex statutory requirements of A.R.S. Title 39, Chapter 1, Board staff are unable to provide copies of public records immediately and on-demand for walk-in customers to the office. Submitted requests are thoroughly reviewed, and the copies are prepared in accordance with Arizona law. Email transmittal of digital copies of public records is the most efficient, prompt, and cost-effective method to receive them. Staff will communicate with requestors as necessary to facilitate the request; this includes quoting the cost for the copies, and informing of an estimated time frame for their production. Alternatively, members of the public may request to meet with Board staff during a pre-arranged appointment to view the records in the office.

A.R.S. § 32-2082(E) provides that, “Documents associated with an investigation are not open to the public and shall remain confidential. No documents may be released without a court order compelling their production.” Accordingly, certain records associated with a Board investigation are confidential and shall not be provided to a requestor. These include complaint investigative reports, (i.e. the “complaint file”). If you have any questions regarding public records request, please contact Krishna Poe at [email protected]

Name Qualifications License # Docket Number Complaint Type/Description Description of Resolution
Axsom, Don Psy.D. PSY-004676 21-10 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License for Complaint 21-10. Effective April 1, 2021. 

View Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender

Banks, Krameelah Ph.D. PSY-005211 24-42 Action taken in another jurisdiction

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for License Suspension and Other Terms. Effective 7/8/2024. 

View Interim Consent Agreement 

Basel, Karol Ed.S. No License T-21-01 Improper Use of Designation

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 7/19/2021. 

View Order

Berry, Emily Psy.D. N/A - Applicant N/A Criminal Conviction and other unprofessional conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Denial of Licensure Application. Effective 7/9/2024. 

View Consent Agreement

Blair, Janice Ph.D. PSY-003430 21-15 Sexual Misconduct

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 5/21/2021. 

View Consent Agreement

Bret Ringdahl Ph.D. PSY-005542 24-17

Consent Agreement and Order for Suspension and Monitoring.  and Practice Restriction. Effective 4/2/2024.

View Consent Agreement

Briggs, Robert Ph.D. PSY-003262 22-02 Sexual harrassment

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License (Stayed) and Practice Restriction, effective December 13, 2021.

View Consent Agreement

Czlapinski, Keever PSY-005463 23-05 Misrepresentations on Licensure Application

Order for Summary Suspension of License. Effective 8/25/2022. 

View Order

Order for Revocation. Effective 12/27/2022. 

View Order

Denboer, John Ph.D. PSY-004026 16-22, 16-39, 16-53, 17-23, 18-25, 18-26, 19-02, 19-04, 20-11, 20-17, 20-42 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Supervision and Continuing Education. Effective 10/9/2018.

View Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement and Order for Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 12/10/2020. 

View Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 2/19/2021. 

View Cease & Desist Order

Dinehart, Jared Ph.D. PSY-003930 24-04 Multiple Relationships / Failure to release records

Consent Agreement and Order for Continuing Education (Disciplinary). Effective 2/12/2024. 

View Consent Agreement

Eberhardt, Ann Psy.D. PSY-005637

Consent Agreement and Order for Licensure with Practice Restriction and Probation

View Consent Agreement

Fowler, Jennifer Psy.D. PSY-005217 23-45 Noncompliance with Board Order

Denial of Renewal Application. Effective 12/13/2023. 

View Denial Notice

Galper, Lisa S. Psy.D. PSY-003343 20-27 Unprofessional Conduct

Order for Probation, Supervision, and Continuing Education. Effective October 22, 2020. 

View Board Order

Release Order. Effective November 15, 2021. 

View Release Order

Gangley, Martin No License T-20-02 Unauthorized practice of psychology / Claiming to be a psychologist

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 12/21/2020. 

View Order

Garcia, Alicia Psy.D. PSY-003552 22-08 Inappropriate custody recommendations

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Clinical Consultation, and Continuing Education. Effective 6/7/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Release Order. Effective 10/14/2022. 

View Order

Gentry, Jeri Psy.D. PSY-005288 22-07 Unprofessional Conduct

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Clinical Supervision. Effective 4/19/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License and Denial of Renewal Application. Effective 7/29/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Goldfine, Debra Ph.D. 4924 APP-16-15 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Supervision, Continuing Education and Rehabilitation. Effective 12/19/2017

First Amended Consent Agreement. Effective 6/21/2019

Released from Consent Agreement and Order. Effective 1/13/2020

View Consent Agreement & Release Order

Grant, Aspen M.Ed. BEH-000587 23-47

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Substance Use Evaluation, Fitness for Duty Determination and Interim Suspension of License. Effective 4/20/2023. 

View Interim Consent Agreement and Order

Consent Agreement and Order for Suspension of License, Probation with Monitoring. Effective 8/24/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement and Order for Surrender of License. Effective 12/8/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Hall, Robyn K. Psy.D. PSY-005008 20-40 Unprofessional Conduct

Interim Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Summary Suspension of License & Interim Order for Substance Use/Fitness for Duty Evaluation. Effective 5/28/2020. 

Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 7/9/2020.  

View All Board Actions

Harding, Blake No License

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 1/24/2024. 

View Order

Denial of Telehealth Registry Application. Effective 3/19/2024. 

View Denial Notice

Hawk, Karen Psy.D. PSY-005195 22-09 Unprofessional Conduct

Order for Probation, Practice Monitoring, and Continuing Education. Effective 9/23/2022. 

View Order

Release Order. Effective 1/12/2024. 

View Release Order

Higgins, Jeannette Psy.D. PSY-005386 22-20 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Practice Monitoring, and Continuing Education. Effective 6/7/2022.  Released from Consent Agreement. Effective 9/1/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

View Release Order

Huff, Dylan M.Ed., BCBA BEH-000267 20-51 & 23-02

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation and Practicing Monitoring. Effective 11/13/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement and Order for Surrender of Behavior Analyst License. Effective 7/8/2024. 

View Consent Agreement

Huggins, Nicole Psy.D. PSY-003948 24-11 & 24-15 Violating a Board Order

Interim Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Summary Suspension of License. Effective 5/17/2024. 

View Order

Johnson, Michael Ph.D. PSY-003462 2018-11 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Supervision and Continuing Education, effective 1/24/2019

View Consent Agreement

Released from Consent Agreement and Order, effective 4/3/2020

View Release Order

Johnson, Dana M.S., BCBA BEH-001087 23-49 Failure to appropriately transition services

Consent Agreement and Order for Decree of Censure, Probation and Disciplinary Continuing Education. Effective 10/11/2023. 

View Consent Agreement 

Release Order. Effective 2/13/2024. 

View Order

Kaufman, Shelley Ph.D. PSY-001389 20-19 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 12/13/2019.

View Consent Agreement

Keeling Torrez, Scott Unlicensed T-23-05 Holding himself out as psychologist/behavior analyst

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 9/7/2023. 

View Order

Kevonian, Alexia Psy.D. PSY-004843 20-26 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective April 6, 2020.

View Consent Agreement

Lanphier, Erin Ph.D. PSY-005659 Practiced on an expired license

Consent Agreement and Order for Decree of Censure and Approval of Licensure Application, effective 9/14/2023.

View Consent Agreement

Magier, Mark Psy.D. PSY-004010 2018-08 & 2018-33 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Practice Monitor and Continuing Education in Case No. 18-08. Effective 3/27/2019.

View the Consent Agreement and Order

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License in Case Nos. 18-08 & 18-33. Effective 2/13/2020. 

View the Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender

Malone, Gloria Ph.D. PSY-001082 2019-12 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 7/12/2019.

View Consent Agreement and Order

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 4/26/2022. 

View Order

Marull, Louis M.A., BCBA BEH-000891 N/A N/A

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation and Monitoring for issuance of license. Effective 6/7/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Release Order. Effective 7/7/2023. 

View Release Order

McCaffrey, Thomas J. Psy.D. PSY-004735 21-06 Unprofessional Conduct in another Jurisdiction (TX)

Consent Agreement for Suspension of License (Stayed), Probation and Civil Penalty. Effective 11/17/2020.

View Consent Agreement

Released from Consent Agreement. Effective 2/10/2023. 

View Release Order

McCall, Austin A. Psy.D. PSY-005199 20-47 Unprofessional Conduct

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Evaluation and Practice Restriction. Effective 5/8/2020.

View Interim Consent Agreement and Order

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation and Monitoring. Effective 9/23/2020.

View the Consent Agreement and Order

First Amended Consent Agreement and Order for Probation and Monitoring. Effective 11/25/2020. 

Order Amending First Amended Consent Agreement and Order. Effective 2/18/2021. 

Order Amending Requirements Relating to Practice Monitoring and Random Drug Screens. Effective 4/8/2021.

View Amended Orders

Interim Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Summary Suspension of License. Effective 10/13/2022. 

View Order

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 12/9/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 8/9/2023. 

View Order

Miller (formerly Huff), Paige M.S., BCBA BEH-000633 20-52 & 23-19 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for Issuance of License, Probation, and Practice Monitor. Effective 3/16/2021. Released from Consent Agreement. Effective 7/15/2022. 

View Consent Agreement / View Release Order

Consent Agreement for Probation and Practice Monitoring. Effective 8/4/2023.

View Consent Agreement

Moler, Sue Psy.D. PSY-005408 23-09 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for Continuing Education. Effective 3/10/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Release Order. Effective 7/7/2023. 

View Release Order

Mumby, Susanne Psy.D. PSY-005166 21-14 & 22-01 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 2/15/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Nockels, Paul Ph.D. PSY-005040 23-06 Dual Relationship

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 2/10/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Novie, Gregory Ph.D. PSY-001207 21-27 Psychological testing issues

Consent Agreement and Order Not to Renew License. Effective 11/24/2021.

View Consent Agreement

Nunemacher, Lynn Psy.D. Psy-003987 2017-36 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Continuing Education, Practice Restriction and Mentoring. Effective November 14, 2018

View Consent Agreement

Released from Consent Agreement and Order. Effective June 12, 2019

View Release Order

Oliver, Colten No License 20-16 Denial of Application for Licensure as a Behavior Analyst

Application denied based on applicant’s failure to meet the requirements as set forth in A.R.S. §32-2091.02. Denial effective 2/24/2020. 

View Denial Order

Second application for licensure denied, effective 1/21/2021. 

View Denial Order

Olshan, Neal H. Ph.D. PSY-000429 20-03, 22-30, 23-44, 24-03 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Monitoring and Continuing Education for Complaint no. 22-30. Effective October 27, 2020. Released from Consent Agreement and Order. Effective December 13, 2021. 

View Consent Agreement and Order / View Release Order

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License for Complaint Nos. 22-30, 23-44, 24-03. Effective December 20, 2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Padilla, Scott M. Psy.D. PSY-004881 18-34, 20-41, 21-04 Inappropriate Relationship/Sexual Misconduct

Order for Probation, Supervision and Continuing Education for Complaint No. 18-34. Effective September 20, 2019.

View Order

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License for Complaint Nos. 18-34, 20-41, 21-04. Effective November 6, 2020. 

View Consent Agreement

Cease and Desist Order. Effective October 22, 2021. 

View Order

Pyburn, Connie Ph.D. PSY-003631 21-25; 17-29; 16-40 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License, effective December 13, 2021. 

View Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Supervision, Continuing Education and Practice Restriction, effective 9/14/2018. Released from Consent Agreement and Order, effective June 12, 2019.

View Consent Agreement and Order

View Release Order

Reineke, Zachary M.Ed., BCBA BEH-000407 23-48 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Practice Restrictions, Practice Monitoring, and Continuing Education. Effective 10/11/2023. 

View Consent Agreement

Ringdahl, Brett PH.D. PSY-005542 24-17

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Evaluation and Practice Restriction. Effective 12/8/2023. 

View ICA

View Consent Agreement and Order for Suspension of License and Probation with Monitoring. Effective 4/2/2024. 

View Consent Agreement

Russek, Linda Ph.D. PSY-003524 22-13 Failure to Maintain Appropriate Boundaries

Consent Agreement for Probation and Monitoring. Effective 8/12/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Release Order. Effective 3/10/2023. 

View Release Order

Schaffer, Brian M.S., BCBA BEH-00440 21-01 / 22-11 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Decree of Censure. Effective 11/6/2020.

View Consent Agreement and Order

First Amended Consent Agreement and Order for Probation and Practice Monitor. Effective 10/22/2021. 

View Amended Consent Agreement

Interim Consent Agreement for the Suspension of License as a Behavior Analyst. Effective 11/2/2021. 

View Interim Consent Agreement

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License. Effective 5/6/2022. 

View Consent Agreement and Order

Siegel, Jeffrey BCBA BEH-000132 21-17 Failure to comply with Board's investigation

Consent Agreement for Voluntary Surrender of License for Complaint no. 21-17. Effective 8/9/2021. 

View Consent Agreement

Skinner, Stephanie Ph.D. PSY-004822 23-12

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Evaluation and Practice Restriction. Effective 10/7/2022. 

View Consent Agreement

Tanner, April No License T-19-02 Unauthorized practice of psychology

Cease and Desist Order. Effective 12/17/2020. 

View Order

Tarr, Catherin Psy.D. PSY-004054 24-22

Consent Agreement for Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 3/11/2024. 

View Consent Agreement

Tro, Amada M.S. BEH-000325 N/A Revocation of BCBA Certification

Denial of Renewal Application. Effective 12/19/2023. 

View Denial Notice

Tsoutsouris, Vaughn Psy.D. PSY-004502 21-12 Unprofessional Conduct

Consent Agreement and Order for Probation, Supervision and Continuing Education. Effective 6/4/2021. 

View Consent Agreement and Order

Released from Consent Agreement and Order. Effective 1/19/2022. 

View Release Order

Wagner, Rachele “Barrie” Psy.D. PSY-003269 20-09 Unprofessional Conduct

Interim Order for Suspension of License. Effective 10/23/2019.

View the Interim Order

Interim Consent Agreement and Order for Voluntary Suspension of License. Effective 12/13/2019. 

View the Interim Consent Agreement

Interim Order for Neuropsychiatric & Neuropsychological (Limited) Evaluations. Effective 6/29/2020. 

View the Interim Order

Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender of Psychologist License. Effective 8/14/20.

View the Consent Agreement for Surrender

Wiley, Marilyn Ph.D. No License 20-36 Denial of Application for Licensure as a Psychologist

Application denied based on applicant's failure to meet the requirements as set forth in A.R.S. § 32-2071.01(A)(3), which requires that an applicant for licensure shall demonstrate to the Board' s satisfaction that the applicant has a professional record that indicates the applicant has not committed any act or engaged in any conduct that constitutes ground for disciplinary action against a licensee as it relates to A.R.S. §32-2061(16). Denial effective 8/31/2020.

View Denial Order

Zecharia, Sarette A. Ph.D. PSY-003554 20-35 Inadequate Supervision

Order for Probation and Supervision. Effective October 15, 2020. 

View Board Order

Released from Order on April 8, 2021. 

View Release Order