Arizona Board Of Psychologist Examiners
Rehabilitation and Monitoring Program (RAMP)
A Confidential Program for Impaired Psychologists and Behavior Analysts
RAMP, authorized by A.R.S. §32-2086. Treatment and rehabilitation program, and by A.R.S. § 32-3223. Health profession regulatory boards; nondisciplinary confidential monitoring programs is a confidential rehabilitation treatment and monitoring program for psychologists and behavior analysts who self-report to the Board a chemical dependency, or a mental health disorder that may impact their ability to safely practice. The program is customized to address the specific needs of the licensee, and is led by a Board-approved professional.
The Board established RAMP to support licensees struggling with impairment to assist them in their recovery and in the process protect the public. The purpose of the program is to rehabilitate the professional to safely return to practice while circumventing harm to the public in the process.
Arizona licensed psychologists and behavior analysts who self-report to the Board either a chemical dependency, a mental health disorder, or both, qualify for the program. A licensee must agree to undergo an appropriate evaluation by a Board-approved professional, and must agree in writing to comply with all elements of the RAMP Consent Agreement. Information received solely through a complaint filed against the licensee renders the licensee ineligible.
The Board shall evaluate certain factors or conditions to ascertain RAMP eligibility, including, but limited to:
- The licensee’s acknowledgment that chemical dependency, psychiatric, psychological or behavioral health disorders are impairing his or her ability to safely and competently practice his or her profession;
- The licensee either voluntarily requests admission or accepts an offer of admission;
- Any previous related disciplinary action(s) with the Board or other jurisdictions;
- Any evidence indicating the licensee has caused harm to the public due to the impairment, or that the public would be at risk if the licensee is admitted to RAMP.
To be eligible for RAMP, the licensee must agree in writing to an interim license suspension and to submit to an appropriate and Board-approved evaluation. Once this confidential interim agreement is signed by the licensee, their license is placed on Inactive status. The next step is for the licensee to submit the name of an evaluator for pre-approval by the Board designee. Upon approval, the licensee will submit to the evaluation within 60 days.
Once the evaluation is complete and issued to the Board, the RAMP terms are incorporated into the confidential Consent Agreement. Upon signing the Consent Agreement, the license is placed back on Active status, and they may resume practice in accordance with the terms and requirements of the Consent Agreement.
The Board does not assess any program participation fees, however the licensee is responsible for the cost of the evaluation(s) and all costs stipulated in the RAMP Consent Agreement.
A licensee’s participation in RAMP remains confidential as long as they remain compliant with the program terms as stipulated in the Consent Agreement.
Please contact the Board by email at [email protected] or by phone at 602-542-8159.