Scam Alerts Targeting Licensees

Monsoon over Fountain Hills
January 5, 2023

EMAIL SCAM ALERT - January 2023

Board staff is aware that some licensees have received an email from a gmail address claiming to be from this Board and asking you to "verify your membership account below to complete your most recent up-to-date membership License certificate" and to "Download attachment and sign in to view secured document."  Please report this email as spam and delete it from your email account - it is NOT affiliated with this agency and is likely intended for nefarious purposes.  


EMAIL SCAM ALERT - November 2022

If you have received an email from: 

[email protected]

please note the following: 

This agency uses ONLY as its domain. 

The sender email address noted above is NOT affiliated with this agency however, [email protected] is a legitimate email address used by the Licensing team.  Please confirm if the email address ends in .gov or .org before opening any attachments or links. 

 In addition, the name listed at the bottom of spam emails - Erin, Stumnp, - is not the name of anyone employed with this agency.  Next to the name, it does reference a correct email address used by this agency, [email protected], but hover over the link in the email, and you will see an email address using .org instead of .gov.

Board staff cautions opening emails from a .org address and suggest reporting it as spam.


PHONE SCAM ALERT - August 2022

Board staff is aware that some licensees have received telephone calls from persons claiming "suspicious activity" related to their licenses. The calls might appear legitimate as our main office number is displayed.  Please disregard these calls entirely as they are not legitimate and are likely intended for nefarious purposes. Board staff would never place a call to any licensee to make such a claim. Additionally, Board staff phone numbers are blocked and would not appear in Caller ID.  The Board cautions license holders against sharing personal, medical, or financial information with unknown individuals who claim to be from this Board.