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Supervised Temporary License w/ and w/out EPPP

Supervised Temporary License w/EPPP or w/out EPPP ($200)

NOTE:  This is a supervised license for postdoctoral trainees only. This license is issued under A.R.S. § 32-2073. It cannot be transferred to an independent license issued under A.R.S. § 32-2071. If in the future a supervised temporary license (TL) holder wishes to be licensed as an independent psychologist in Arizona, the TL holder will need to apply anew - complete and submit the Psychologist Application for Exam and/or Licensure, pay the $350 application fee, and meet all requirements then in place. 

By selecting the application type, “Supervised Temporary License", you are seeking approval for the supervised temporary license and may be seeking approval to sit for the EPPP. This license is issued per A.R.S. § 32-2073 and A.A.C. R4-26-203.04. Review these statutes and rules for all requirements and qualifications for the Supervised Temporary License (TL). 

  • TL applicants MUST be enrolled in a postdoctoral professional supervised experience that meets the requirements in A.R.S. § 32-2071(G).  The TL is valid from the date of issuance for 36 months [three (3) years]. It cannot be renewed, extended or re-issued. 

  • A TL applicant may also apply to sit for the EPPP at the same time as the TL if they have not yet passed the exam. The pass point requirement for Arizona is a minimum 500 scaled score on Part 1-Knowledge of the EPPP per A.R.S. § 32-2072.  (On February 10, 2023, the Board suspended its participation as an early adopter of Part 2-Skills of the EPPP. This is not required for licensure in Arizona at this time.)
  • If a TL holder does not meet the pass point requirement as noted above, the TL holder may request approval from the AZ Board to retake the EPPP. See the Board's Reapplications & Retake Requests page for details.  
  • For TL holders, there is no additional fee to the Board to request a retake of the EPPP.  The Board has no connection to the administration of the EPPP or exam fees assessed by ASPPB and Pearson Vue.
  • Arizona EPPP candidates, do NOT request to retake the EPPP via Certemy - it is NOT part of the process for Arizona candidates.  TL holders must follow the AZ Board's retake request process. See the Board's Reapplications & Retake Requests page for details. 



  • See A.R.S. § 32-2073 for details regarding requirements.  Additional details relative to requirements may also be found in the Rules, A.A.C. R4-26-203.04
  • A PDF copy of the postdoctoral written training plan (WTP) for the postdoctoral supervised experience in which the applicant is currently enrolled is required per A.A.C. R4-26-203.04(B)(2).  See this Rule for specific details relative to an acceptable WTP. 
  • Verification of a minimum of 1,500 hours of internship completed within 24 months and meeting all other requirements of subsection F of A.R.S. § 32-2071 is required for the Supervised Temporary License application.  
  • Please note, regardless of doctoral program or requirements in the state where the internship was completed, all requirements for internships delineated in statute and rule must be met for the internship to be approved for licensure in Arizona. There are no exceptions in statute or rule that allow the Board to accept an internship that is lacking in even one requirement. Please review your internship against Arizona statutes and rules before submitting an application. Application fees are non-refundable per statute. 


Applicant Must Submit:

  1. Completed online application and $200 application fee, paid online with submission of application.  Use the Applicant Portal to submit your application.  Visit the Application for Fee Waiver page if you believe you may qualify for a waiver of the application fee. 
  2. The Board does not accept applications from third-parties (e.g., assistants, employees, credentialers, locum tenens companies, etc.) on behalf of another individual. Only the applicant may submit an application or may be apprised of the status of an application. 

Mandatory Uploads:

  1. Completed and signed Arizona Statement of Citizenship and Alien Status form (SOC) (All applicants must sign form on page 2, Section IV.)
  2. Current Government Issued ID:  Federal and state laws require applicants to provide proof of lawful status in the United States in order to receive a "public benefit" such as a professional license. Not all IDs are the same. See the Evidence List (page 3 of the SOC form) for accepted forms of ID. After uploading the SOC, please use the same upload button to upload a digital color photo of an appropriate ID per the evidence list. The upload must be high resolution, in color and readable.  Please note, if the documentation, such as a birth certificate, does not have your picture, you must also send a copy of a valid picture ID such as a driver’s license, US passport, military ID, etc.  
  3. Name Change Document (if applicable):  If any of your verifications such as transcripts, supervised professional experience (SPE) verifications, certifications, license verifications, etc. have a different name than the one on your ID, the legal document for the name change must also be submitted (e.g., court document, marriage license, etc.). Use the same upload button you used for the SOC and ID, if needed. 
  4. Fingerprint Clearance Card:  Statutes requiring a Department of Public Safety (DPS) fingerprint clearance card were enacted by the Arizona State Legislature in 2021. Changes to the statute language occurred in 2024, and federal approval of the statutes was granted to this Board in early 2025. Therefore, a fingerprint clearance card OR proof of submitted application for the fingerprint clearance card to DPS is now required. For details and how to apply for the card, see the Board's emailed announcement HERE.  
  5. National Practitioner Data Bank Self-Query - Please provide a PDF copy of a new self-query from the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). The processing date in the upper right corner of the self-query must be within 30 days of your application submission date in order to be valid.  Upload the original PDF you download from the NPDB's website. Do not upload a copy or an image - the official document with the NPDB's verifiable digital signature is required. Uploading an image or a copy of the self-query will just make more work for you and Board staff and delay the processing of your application. 
  6. One original photograph taken not more than 60 days before the date of your application submission. This may be a photo taken with a digital camera or smartphone as long as it is high resolution, just head and shoulders like a photo on an ID, facing front, plain background, in focus, good lighting, etc. (“passport quality”).
  7. Postdoctoral Written Training Plan - Under  A.A.C. R4-26-203.04(B)(2), a PDF copy of the postdoctoral written training plan (WTP) is required for the postdoc training program in which the applicant is currently enrolled.  See this Rule for specific details relative to an acceptable WTP. Historically, the Board expects the WTP to be signed and dated by both the supervisor and the postdoc trainee. 

Optional Uploads:

  1. If doctoral program was not accredited by APA or PCSAS, you must submit a completed Core Program Requirements form. You may list applicable graduate courses from a Master’s and/or Doctoral program to fulfill requirements in the categories listed on the form. Undergraduate coursework is not acceptable. First read the instructions at the top of the form.  Accuracy is paramount. You may wish to submit a course catalog or syllabi to support your choice for content area. Submitting a course catalog or syllabi may prevent a formal additional information request (FAIR) letter from the Application Review Committee. FAIR letters delay the approval of an application for at least a month. 
  2. If applicable, documentation for YES answers to professional conduct questions. See “Additional Documentation for YES Answers” for details regarding the documents required for your Yes answer(s). Your application will not be administratively complete without this appropriate documentation. Please do not second guess what is required or assume that the court records are sufficient for a Yes answer regarding past criminal or misdemeanor charges. You'll just be delaying the application process. If your goal is to become licensed, follow the instructions with exactness and completeness. Full, honest disclosure is required. Failure to do so may cause the Board to deny your application, or lead to future Board action against your license (decree of censure, suspension, revocation, etc.).


Applicant Must Cause to Be Sent by Verifier:  

  1. Official transfer of score(s) from ASPPB, if applicable.  Use ASPPB's PSY|PRO for this purpose.  The Board's email address is already on file with ASPPB for this purpose. If needed, provide the email address [email protected]
  2. Verification of minimum 1,500 hours of internship, which was completed within 24 consecutive months and meeting all other requirements for internships in A.R.S. Section 32-2071.  Applicants must complete the top portion of the Internship Verification form and submit to their supervisor or current licensed psychologist who is the official custodian of records for the internship.  Download the Internship Verification form HERE.  Verifiers may submit the completed form via email to [email protected]
  3. Official transcripts from all graduate institutions attended, regardless of degree, sent directly to the Board by the university/college. Transcripts sent electronically will be accepted if the Board can validate the transcripts. These are sent most often by a school’s contracted third-party such as Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc. Provide the email address, [email protected],  for electronic delivery to the Board’s office. (Having documents submitted to the email address, above, is the same as submitting directly to the Board's office.)
  4. If applicable, verification of all psychology licenses or other professional licenses (may also be referred to as registrations or certifications) ever held in AZ or other states/provinces, sent directly to the Board of Psychologist Examiners by the issuing agency or board. This includes PSYPACT. All licenses ever held must be verified regardless of current status. Online verifications may be accepted ONLY IF the online license verification or license look-up states in writing that it may be considered primary source verification. Provide the email address, [email protected], for electronic delivery to the Board’s office.  If you are applying for licensure to multiple states at the same time (which is fine!), if you become licensed in another state or province before your Arizona application is administratively complete, you must have your new license verified to the Arizona Board. 
  5. Completed reference forms: At the appropriate place in the online application, the applicant must supply the names and email addresses of two licensed or certified psychologists who have agreed to serve as references. The Board will contact these persons directly for the required information and endorsement on forms provided by the Board. A school psychologist who holds a doctoral degree may serve as a reference. The Board has determined that a school psychologist who does not hold a doctorate does not have the requisite level of education to serve as a reference. 
  • A reference may be a former or current supervisor, an employer, a colleague, a mentor, someone you consult with regularly, etc., and must be familiar with your work experience in the field of psychology or postdoctoral program within the three (3) years immediately preceding the date of application. 

  • If more than three (3) years have elapsed since the applicant last engaged in professional activities in the field of psychology or in a postdoctoral program, the references may be from the most recent three-year period in which the applicant engaged in professional activities in the field of psychology or in a postdoctoral program (R4-26-203(A)(26)).

  • If (b), above, the applicant must provide a written explanation of professional history since they last practiced in the field of psychology including dates.

  • Mere provision of a signature or an unfavorable report by a reference psychologist does not constitute provision of credentials necessary for licensure.

  • Reference psychologists must be psychologists licensed or certified to practice psychology in a United States or Canadian jurisdiction. 

  • Current Arizona Board members cannot provide references. 

  • The Board may reject any reference and/or require additional references from the applicant.




Arizona licensees are expected to know the statutes and rules regulating the practice of Psychology in Arizona. You may download a free copy of the Statutes and Rules from the Board's website.


Document submissions:  For transcripts, supervised experience verifications, license verifications, etc., please provide the email address, [email protected], to verifiers.  

Kathy Fowkes, Licensing Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Direct Line: (602) 542-8161
Fax: (602) 926-8095

Mailing Address
Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners
1740 West Adams Street, Suite 3403
Phoenix, Arizona 85007


Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits the Board from discriminating on the basis of disability in its public meetings. Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting the Board at (602) 542-8162 to make their needs known. Requests should be made as soon as possible to allow time to arrange for accommodations. These documents may be made available in alternative formats by contacting the Board.


With respect to licensing decisions, please note that A.R.S. §41-1030 provides that:

B. An agency shall not base a licensing decision in whole or in part on a licensing requirement or condition that is not specifically authorized by statute, rule or state tribal gaming compact. A general grant of authority in statute does not constitute a basis for imposing a licensing requirement or condition unless a rule is made pursuant to that general grant of authority that specifically authorizes the requirement or condition.
D. This section may be enforced in a private civil action and relief may be awarded against the state. The court may award reasonable attorney fees, damages and all fees associated with the license application to a party that prevails in an action against the state for a violation of this section.
E. A state employee may not intentionally or knowingly violate this section. A violation of this section is cause for disciplinary action or dismissal pursuant to the Agency's adopted personnel policy.
F. This section does not abrogate the immunity provided by section 12-820.01 or 12-820.02.


Pursuant to Section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that are demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to Sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with Section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.