Mount Lemmon
Online Applications - Instructions
Click on the type of application to see detailed instructions

Instructions for Online Applications

Instructions are included in the online applications and in the links below. From the list below, click on the type of application you are considering to see the requirements, instructions and list of materials needed for that particular application type.

Primary source verifications may be submitted by verifiers prior to submission of the application. This is, in fact, the only means of expediting an application. If you wish to have your application processed as quickly as possible, start requesting primary source verifications of education and training immediately. It is up to the applicant to contact verifiers and request submission of official transcripts and primary source verifications of supervised training and license verifications where applicable.

Applicant Portal:  Please have your documents ready for upload before starting the online application. When ready, go to the Applicant Portal to get started. 

Fingerprint Clearance Card Now Required for All Applications
  • Statutes requiring a Department of Public Safety (DPS) fingerprint clearance card were enacted by the Arizona State Legislature in 2021. Changes to the statute language occurred in 2024, and federal approval of the statutes was granted to this Board in early 2025. Therefore, a fingerprint clearance card OR proof of submitted application for the fingerprint clearance card to DPS is now required. For details and how to apply for the card, see the Board's emailed announcement HERE.  

    Behavior Analyst Applications

    NOTE:  Instructions and downloadable forms are included on the pages for Behavior Analysts linked below. 


    Psychologist Applications 

    NOTE:  Forms referenced in the instructions and list of materials for all psychologist applications may be downloaded from the Forms for Psychologist Applications  page

    1.  Psychologist Application for Exam and/or Licensure

    There are seven (7) sub-types of applications to choose from using this general application.  

    2.  Psychologist Application for Licensure by Credential
    3.  Psychologist Application for Licensure by Universal Recognition
    4.  Supervised Temporary License
    5.  Reapplication for EPPP Only or EPPP & Licensure

    PLEASE NOTE:  The reapplication form is ONLY for EPPP candidates who were previously approved for EPPP Only or EPPP & Licensure who have taken the EPPP, did not meet the pass point, and want approval from the Arizona Board to take the exam a second or third time. DO NOT USE unless instructed to do so in the Board's official EPPP Score letter.

    If you previously held a supervised temporary license (TL) and this is your first time applying to the Arizona Board for approval to sit for the EPPP again after your TL has expired, you are NOT qualified to submit the Reapplication. You must apply anew and submit either an EPPP Only or EPPP & Licensure application.  See your official EPPP Score letter for details. 

    If this is your fourth attempt (or more), you must apply anew and submit a detailed written study plan. Therefore, you do not qualify to use the reapplication form. To apply anew, you must use one of the following applications:

    • EPPP Only,
    • EPPP and Licensure, or,
    • Supervised Temporary License and EPPP - MUST be enrolled in a postdoctoral supervised training program that meets the requirements in A.R.S. Section 32-2071(G).