Where Do I Start to Apply for Licensure?
If you wish to practice psychology independently in Arizona, you must be licensed by the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners (Board). Even if you are licensed in another state, you must submit an application for licensure to the Board which must then be approved by the Board before a license can be issued (see details of the application process HERE).
- Board staff cannot advise what type of application for you to make. Everyone's professional history and circumstances are unique.
- There are three main pathways to licensure in Arizona. Please see "Three Pathways to Licensure", below, for more information.
- The materials that need to be submitted either by you or by a primary source differ depending on the type of application being submitted.
- Once you determine which application is right for you, in the table of contents on the Psychologist Applications page, go to #3, Instructions and List of Materials Needed for Online Applications. Click on this link, then click on the application you will be making to see a list of materials that are needed for that application. These instructions are also provided at the start of each online application.
REQUIREMENTS CODIFIED IN LAW: Most of the statutes that regulate psychologist licensure in Arizona can be found in Title 32, Chapter 19.1 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.). Each statute in this chapter is listed and linked on the Board's Statutes and Rules page (under the Resources menu tab).
Please note, the Board does not have a statutorily-defined reciprocity application option with other states or provinces or applications by endorsement. Applicants will need to apply by one of the pathways outlined below.
- LICENSURE by UNIVERAL RECOGNITION: Under A.R.S. § 32-4302, if you have a doctorate in psychology, hold a psychologist license for independent practice in good standing in another state that has been active for at least one year, and have established residence in Arizona, you may qualify to apply for licensure by Universal Recognition. This application does not require separate verification of education and training. Please see "Three Pathways to Licensure", below, for more information.
- LICENSURE by CREDENTIAL: Under A.R.S. § 32-2071.01(D), if you hold a credential recognized by this Board (ABPP, CPQ or National Register HSP), and have been licensed in another state for five (5) or more years, you may qualify to apply by Credential. The credential is accepted as verification of education and training; the ABPP and the CPQ are also accepted as verification of a passing EPPP score. Applicants do not need to live in Arizona to apply for licensure by Credential. See "Three Pathways to Licensure", below, for more information.
- EXAM AND/OR LICENSURE: If you do not qualify to apply for licensure by Universal Recognition or Credential, you may apply by Exam and/or Licensure under A.R.S. § 32-2071, § 32-2071.01(A)-(C), & § 32-2072. This application has seven (7) sub-types of applications that can be made, based on the applicant's individual professional history. See the header, "Psychologist Applications" on the Instructions for Online Applications page, and click on the application type for detailed instructions for each of these application types. The first seven (7) application types listed are submitted using the Psychologist Application for Exam and/or Licensure.
- EPPP ONLY FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS: On November 8, 2024, the Board approved SP.01-25 Eligibility and Approval for Candidates of the EPPP Part 1 (Knowledge), which allows doctoral students who have completed the required doctoral program coursework per A.R.S. § 32-2071 to apply for approval to take the EPPP. Doctoral students may apply for approval to sit for the EPPP with the online Exam and/or Licensure application. In the online application, when presented with the list of application types, doctoral students must select "EPPP Only". Go to the EPPP Only for Doctoral Students instructions page for the requirements and list of materials needed for this application as they differ considerably from all other subtypes for the Exam and/or Licensure application.
- DOCTORATE REQUIRED: The Board does not offer any type of psychologist license for an individual whose highest level of education is a Master's degree. Per A.R.S. § 32-2071, the first minimum requirement for licensure is a doctorate in an applied psychology. You must have a doctoral degree in clinical, counseling, educational or school psychology. The only other doctorate that has been approved by the Board is forensic psychology, which included all necessary supervised clinical training. Regardless of all other factors (experience included), if you have not earned a doctoral degree in a health-service-delivery psychology program that included a minimum 1,500 hours of pre-doctoral internship, you do not meet requirements to be licensed as a psychologist in Arizona under A.R.S. § 32-2071. If your doctorate does not meet requirements in the above noted statute, you may wish to consider subsection L of this statute, which delineates requirements for respecialization in an applied psychology.
- LICENSES CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED: A license to practice psychology cannot be "transferred" from another state. Regulations differ from one state to another. Even though you were approved to practice in another state does not guarantee that you meet requirements to practice in Arizona.
- APPLICATIONS & VERIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE between one state and another, either. The Board cannot accept a copy of verifications you submitted to the New York, California, Kansas, etc. licensing board in lieu of Arizona's verification form. Since applications and verifications are crafted to determine if the requirements in statute and rule are met for that particular state, they are not interchangeable or transferable. You must submit Arizona's internship verification form to your supervisor for completion for the Arizona application for exam and/or licensure even if your supervisor completed a similar form when you applied for licensure in another state or province.
- WRITTEN TRAINING PLANS: Some materials submitted to other boards may meet Arizona's requirement for written training plans, such as some of California's documents for a Psychologist Associate license, but they cannot serve as a primary source verification for Arizona's application. A written training plan is an agreement or contract executed and signed by you and your supervisor, and for preinternships and internships, your program's director of clinical training or another school official.
- For preinternships (may be referred to as practicums, externships, etc.) the written training plan, "must designate an allotment of time for each training activity (see A.A.C. R4-26-210(A)(3) for criteria) and must ensure the quality, breadth and depth of training experience by specifying goals and objectives of the SPE, the methods of evaluation of the student and supervisory experiences. If supervision is to be completed by qualified site supervisors at external sites, their approval must be included in the plan...Documentation must include an acknowledgement that ethics training was included throughout the SPE" (A.R.S. § 32-2071(E)).
- For internships, if the internship was APA-accredited and/or an APPIC member, a "written statement" is not needed. For all other internships, a "written statement" is required "that describes the goals and content of the training program and documents that clear expectations existed for the breadth, depth and quantity of a trainee's work at the time of the SPE" (A.R.S. § 32-2071(F)(9)), and was established no later than the time the applicant entered the internship..." (A.A.C. R4-26-210(B)(1)(a)). See A.A.C. R4-26-210(B) for other criteria.
- For postdocs, the written training plan, "that describes the goals and content of the training experience and documents that clear expectations existed for the breadth, depth and quality and quantity of a trainee's work at the time of the SPE," and includes the eight criteria delineated in A.A.C. R4-26-210(D).
- APPLICATION MATERIALS: See the first page of Arizona's online application of your choice to review the list of materials needed for that application. Alternatively, the needed materials for each application may be reviewed from the Instructions page of the Board's website. Requirements and therefore the materials needed for each application type differ.
- APPLICATION ASSISTANCE: Applications must be submitted by the applicant. Do not give your login information to anyone else! If it is learned that an application is submitted by a third party (anyone other than the applicant), the application will be rejected. The applicant is ultimately responsible for any and all answers provided on an application.
Please go to the Statutes and Rules tab under Resources in the Navigation Menu on the right side of this page or at the top of the page to review the statutes and rules that apply to psychologist licensure and regulation.
Regarding the minimum requirements when applying for licensure, please see the list of related statutes and rules below. These are NOT all the statutes and rules of which applicants and licensees need to be aware.
Please note, Board staff are not qualified to interpret the statutes and rules. Do not email staff for legal advice or an interpretation. If a statute or rule is difficult to understand, you need an Arizona attorney who has knowledge of regulatory law to provide interpretation. You may also wish to contact an Arizona association dedicated to serving the psychology profession in Arizona. (Go to RESOURCES in the menu and click on RELATED LINKS to see a list of associations.)
Related Arizona Revised Statutes:
- A.R.S. § 32-2071: Education and training qualifications for applicants for EPPP and/or Licensure
- A.R.S. § 32-207.01: Requirements for licensure; remediation; & requirements for licensure by Credential
- A.R.S. § 32-2072: Examination requirement for licensure
- A.R.S. § 32-2073(A) through (F): Supervised temporary license requirements
- A.R.S. § 32-4302: Requirements for licensure by Universal Recognition
Related Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C. or Rules):
- See Title 4, Chapter 26, Article 2: Licensure
Three Pathways to Licensure in Arizona
Board staff cannot tell you what type of application to make. You must determine this for yourself. Staff also cannot provide mentoring or guidance beyond the information provided on the website. There are many details that have been provided on the Board's website which applicants need to absorb to understand the application process. Below is the basic information that will give you a start. Please use the links in the information below to see more details about that topic.
- On the Psychologist Applications page, use the Table of Contents links to go to each application's overview. The qualifiers for using that application to apply for licensure are listed on that application's page. The three types of application pathways are Universal Recognition, Credential and Exam and/or Licensure.
- Depending on your professional history, you may qualify to apply by Universal Recognition or Credential.
- To apply for licensure by Universal Recognition, you MUST establish residence in Arizona and be able to provide evidence of this. If you have not established residence in Arizona, you DO NOT QUALIFY to apply for licensure using the Universal Recognition application. You also must hold a psychologist license at the doctoral level in another state for a minimum of one (1) year. See all the requirements for Universal Recognition in A.R.S. § 32-4302.
- If you have a credential recognized by the Arizona Board (only ABPP, CPQ or National Register HSP) and have been licensed for 5 or more years in another state, you may use the Credential application.
- If you do not qualify to apply by Universal Recognition or Credential, use the standard application, Psychologist Application for Exam and/or Licensure.
- With this last application, you will have the option to apply for EPPP Only, EPPP & Licensure, or if you have already passed the EPPP, you may apply by Waiver.
- Depending on how long you have been licensed in another state, you may qualify to waive specific supervised professional experience (SPE) verifications. Please see the PDF, "Instructions for Supervised Experience Verifications" for details regarding waivers.
- For each application, the first page of the online application lists the documentation and verifications (application materials) needed for the Board to determine if you are qualified to be licensed in Arizona via the application pathway you choose to submit. Please use these instructions as a checklist, and read them carefully for comprehension. The instructions may also be found on the Board's website on the Instructions for Online Applications page.
- In each application, there are additional instructions at the beginning of various sections. To avoid delays and having to correct errors, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS before filling out the section. Read for comprehension. Do not assume. Do not just scan the material. Scanning materials may have gotten you through school, but when it comes to licensure, it just causes unnecessary delays, and extra work for both you and Board staff.